π₯ NexaPx - Gateway To The Internet
Advanced Privacy & Quality Premium Proxies for Remote Jobs
Now accepting payments via Mpesa.
Ksh 150
Data Center Proxies Plan
- Unlimited Traffic
- High Speeds
Ksh 1,000
Residential Proxies Plan
- Unlimited Traffic
- No Blacklists
Ksh 1,000
/1 GB
Elite Residential Proxies
- Zero Captchas Or Blocking
- Immunity From IP Bans
- Use For Paypal, EBay, Amazon, FB, Remotasks, Outlier And More
Ksh 6,000
RemoteWorker Proxies
- No Blacklists
- Consistent
- Immunity From IP Bans
- Use For Paypal, EBay, Amazon, FB, Remotasks, Outlier And More
Core Features of NexaPx
Instant Delivery
Get instant access to your proxies as soon as you purchase, so you can start using them right away.
Zero scamalytics Score
Our proxies are completely undetectable by Scamalytics, so you never have to worry about getting blocked.
100% uptime guarantee
We offer the most reliable service on the market, with an uptime guarantee that canβt be beat.
The Lowest Prices
Our Prices are designed to fit any budget, with plans starting at just 150 Ksh for Static Proxies.
Global Proxies
Access proxies from anywhere in the world, with coverage in over 190 countries and more than 3,000 cities.
24/7 Online Support
Our Technical support team works 24/7 and are ready to help.
NexaPx In Numbers.
"Without experimenting with these proxies, you'll never discover the hero within."
servers in more than 3,000 cities.
1M+ IPs
in 190+ countries